Friday, April 15, 2011

11 Goals for 2011

1. Complete my Certificate Program in Screenwriting at Emerson--halfway there!
2. Continue French Lessons--On track!
3. Get student loan debt below $53,000--Hopefully on track!
4. Save $2000 to move to LA-On track. Saved $1376 already.
5. Save 3-6 months in E-fund--Only $300 right now. It's basically a sinking fund at this point!
6. Yoga Teacher Training--Maybe. I'm not sure where I'm going to find the $3000 for this.
7. Save $2000 for a down payment on a car.--Saved $50 so far!
8. Blog on an almost daily basis.
9. No clothes shopping for the month of April--so far so good! I haven't bought a thing even though I've been dying to!
10. Move to a different part of Boston but keep the same cost of living.
11. Only eat out once a week--This week=Fail. We went out for Teppanyaki on Tuesday in Cambridge and tomorrow we're going out for German schnitzel. Next week will be better!

Kicking Student Loan in the Bum

I've been perusing tons of personal finance blogs for the past few months, trying to get some inspiration and motivation to keep saving and pay down my student loan debt. Since January 1, I've paid back $10,885 on my student loans which is a lot compared to others' progress in four months.

I have a Master's in Public Health from a foreign university and a Bachelor's from an extremely overpriced liberal arts school in Pennsylvania which I'm obviously really regretting now. The upside to this is that I met the man of my dreams in college, even though he wasn't the man of my dreams then. He was more like a drunk acrobat. But given a few years and some time to mature, he's become the person I rely on most and someone I can see myself spending the rest of my life with so I guess I am sort of glad I went to that ridiculously overpriced university.

On January 1, 2011 my debt was $79,877 and today it's $68,992. I'm pretty lucky because I'm able to pay about $2000 per month into elimating my debt while also saving $500 per month into my emergency fund. I've been living on the cheap ever since I decided to aggressively start paying down my debt and I decided to start a blog to discuss how I stay frugal while still enjoying life and how I pay down my debt each month. I hope this blog motivates me to keep going!